TCA Gourmet - Snacks
☼ Free delivery for orders over HKD $1000 滿$1000免費送貨`
☼ All items require 3-day advance orders 請提前3日落單^
☼ EXCLUSIVE: Pay with VISA to enjoy HK$200 OFF*
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`Terms & Conditions Apply. For pick-up/delivery timing and fees, delivery service zones, recipe guides, etc., please refer to our FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS.
^All items are subject to 3-day advance order unless notified by our post-sale customer representative.
*Pay with Visa to enjoy HK$200 off upon nett purchase of HK$1,000 or above of TCA Gourmet items. Promo Code: “TCAVISA” + first 6 digits of your Visa card number
Eg. “TCAVISA456789”